Remembering Srebrenica

St Peter’s church is currently hosting a powerful exhibition about the Srebrencia massacre, which took place in July 1995 during the Bosnian conflict.  Over 8,000 men and boys were massacred by Serbian forces near the town of Srebrencia, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and many thousands of women and girls were raped.  Each year the Remembering Srebrenica charity commemorates the massacre;…

Second Anniversary Service of Nottingham Enlightening Word Church at All Saints'

On Sunday 24th June the Nottingham Enlightening Word Church celebrated the second anniversary of its inauguration at All Saints’, which was in June 2016.  Led by Pastor Nim Kam To, the church draws its membership from Nottingham students and others who have a Chinese (largely Hong Kong) background.  Rev Christopher Harrison was the preacher at…

Hymns at St Peter's

Music Matters – July 2018 The Director of Music writes… In March, I reflected on the process of choosing the choral music for the term, commenting at the end that “all that remains is to choose the hymns”, adding that in fact this is just as complex a puzzle!  St Peter’s congregation has a diverse…