Choir Visits

MUSIC MATTERS – AUGUST 2018 The Director of Music writes… I would like to start this month’s article by thanking all those choristers who enable us to keep a choral presence alive at St Peter’s during the summer months (albeit in a slightly altered service pattern, details of which can be found in the diary…

Hymns at St Peter's

Music Matters – July 2018 The Director of Music writes… In March, I reflected on the process of choosing the choral music for the term, commenting at the end that “all that remains is to choose the hymns”, adding that in fact this is just as complex a puzzle!  St Peter’s congregation has a diverse…

Writing the Music List

Music Matters – April 2018 The Director of Music writes… As I write this month’s blog post, I am also well into the process of writing the coming term’s Music List. This is always an enjoyable and satisfying process, but one that always demands considerable thought, and one in which I wondered whether readers might…